No More Learning Activities!!!
Note, historical data and reports will remain the same and list the learning activity the evaluation was for.
Template Changes:
You need to move any of your questions which are learning activity specific to the “All” section.
- Any Templates with Learning Activities other than All need to be edited so that all questions are in the “All” section.
- You may drag and drop questions in the template editor.
- You may need to create a dummy question in the “All” section before you can drag and drop questions.
- Or, the easy way, just copy the template and we will move all your questions into the “All” section. Then you can go and edit that so there are no duplicate questions and/or they are in the right order.
Setup Changes:
You will not be able to use any template that has learning activities other than “All”.
- If you try to use a template that has learning activities other that “All”, you will get a message and not be allowed to create the evaluation.
- On the Open/Pending list of evaluations, where it would normally have LEC, LAB, etc. not it just has — for each section.
- An evaluation for each learning is not created, just one for each section.
Add Instructor Changes:
The changes for adding Instructors or Teaching Assistants have only minor changes.
- When adding an Instructor or Teaching Assistant you no longer select which Class Time they should be added to because now it is for the section.
- The list of instructors for the evaluation has had the columns for Class Time and Learning Activity Removed.