
Best Practices.

A growing list of recommendations and best practices.

Jason Sylvestre

Jason Sylvestre

20 March 2023

Best Practices

  • Preview your event before creating any registrations or opening the event to the public. This is because some things such as questions can’t be changed once there are registrations (answers).
  • Organize your questions before you start adding them. There is no way currently to reorder them once they have been added.
  • Whenever pasting text into an editor that allows formatting make sure you use the “Paste as plain text” button. If there is hidden or HTML text that you are trying to paste, this will remove that and prevent future formatting issues.
  • Only use the built in formatting tools provided with the editor.
  • The maximum picture size is 4 meg. It must have an aspect ratio of 16:9 (1200x675 preferred). A free on-line resize tool can be found at: This one is a little better for cropping if you need to change the aspect ratio:
  • If you have the same basic event time after time, use the copy feature to avoid having to recreate everything each time.
  • If you need to practice, or create test events, please use the test environment: