
Ace Best Practices

FAQs and Best Practices for the ACE system

Scott Kirkland

Scott Kirkland

04 April 2017

This document will continue to evolve as best practices are determined.

  1. Do not number your questions.

    When the questions are displayed to the student they will be numbered automatically.

  2. Create your evaluations early so the open date is in the future.

    If you do this, you will be able to add Teaching Assistants, and modify any of the questions if necessary. Also, you will be able to remove evaluations if necessary. You will not be able to edit the evaluation if it is open other than to change the close date/time.

  3. Setup everything on the test site first so you can make mistakes without any issues.

  4. Always preview the evaluation once it is set up.

    This will ensure that the questions are correct for the learning activity and for the instructors and teaching assistants. If there have been no teaching assistants added, there will not be any questions for them.

  5. Try to limit the number of questions students have to answer.
  6. Remember, questions in the “All” section apply to all learning activities.

    This mean the student will have to answer the same questions for each learning activity there is an evaluation for.

  7. If you need to edit a question.

    Place the cursor to the far left of the question, click and drag over the text, copy text. Create a new question, paste in the text, edit it and add it. Then delete the old question. You may drag and drop added questions to re-order them or to move them into a different learning activity. This is why you need to click to the far left whey copying, otherwise the program thinks you want to move the question.

  8. Make your templates generic enough to reuse each term.

    You may edit the questions on the evaluation without changing the template.

  9. Consider changing your questions from the existing paper format.

    Moving to Ace might be a great opportunity to standardize your questions and question format. As you may only have one scale and scale terms per department, try to word your questions so that they fit this model. So try to have all your questions worded so that the response choice are all the same. It is easier to read if the student just chooses Excellent, Poor, etc instead of the question being 5 for Excellent and 1 for Poor.