

Frequently asked questions.

Jason Sylvestre

Jason Sylvestre

13 December 2023


What is Finjector?

Finjector is an application that allows you to generate, save, and use Aggie Enterprise Chart Strings in other applications that use this. It may also be used as a stand alone application to manually copy these values into applications that do not natively call Finjector as a popup.

What is a Chart String?

A Chart String is a combination of values that are used to identify a specific account. These values are used to identify the account in the Aggie Enterprise system. They can be classified as GL or PPM Chart Strings.

What is a GL Chart String?

A GL Chart String is General Ledger Chart string.

What is a PPM Chart String?

A PPM Chart String is a POET string, except the actual order of the string is (P)roject, (T)ask, (O)rganization, (E)xpenditure Type. PTOE