
Bulk Edit People

Learn how Departmental Admins can bulk edit people in their team

Jason Sylvestre

Jason Sylvestre

21 May 2019

Bulk Edit People

The bulk edit can be access from the admin menu:

Bulk Edit Menu

Selecting people to edit

  • If you scroll down, you can see a list of all active people in your team.
  • This list can be sorted and filtered
  • Click on the headings to sort. Type in the Search box to filter rows.
  • To select/unselect people to edit, click on the rows, ctrl+click or shift+click to select/unselect multiple rows.

Select People

Deleting selected people

  • If you choose to delete people from your team, that is the only option you can choose.
  • Deleted people can be re-added (reactivated). But not from here. They would have to be added from the asset people page or the Bulk Load.
  • Deleted people can be viewed with the “Actions Against the People” report

Deleted Selected People

Editable fields

  • Only fields that have the Update Checkbox checked will be changed
  • Category can be cleared out by selecting Not Set, otherwise the dropdown choice will be used, noting the above point.
  • If the Update checkbox is selected, but nothing is specified for the field, it will be clear out.
  • Date fields can be cleared out with the “x” depending on the browser used.
  • After the selected people have been updated, you will return to this page with your options still selected.

Editable Fields