
Workgroup information

What do all these workgroup options mean?

Scott Kirkland

Scott Kirkland

11 April 2017


This type of workgroup cannot have orders placed against it, only approvals can be handled using this workgroup. All access provided by this workgroup can be viewed using the “Admin Order History” page.

Permissions on this type of workgroup give the user permissions into all workgroups “below” in the DaFis org tree.

This is an additional option to the administrative workgroup. Users with access in this type of workgroup will receive emails and behavior as if they are assigned into each of the workgroups “below.”

Synchronize Accounts

All of the accounts assigned to the DaFis orgs associated with the workgroup are updated nightly based on information from DaFis. Assigning the Approver/Account Manager/Purchaser to accounts will not be altered during the nightly update.

Force Account Select at Approver

The standard behavior with the validation is that the Account Manager role is responsible for selecting an account to place the order on. This option will force the validation to happen at the Approver level.

Show Controlled Substances Fields

For departments that order controlled substances, this option will enable the necessary fields for controlled substances orders.

Notification Email List

An Email to receive a notice of a package receipt, in addition to standard user associated with the order.

Organizations (Primary vs Sub-Organizations)

The primary organization is the DaFis org that is tied to each order request.

Sub-Organizations are not necessarily “sub-organizations” in DaFis or in your org tree, in PrePurchasing they are only used to determine permissions and account synchronization.